Maple Loo

1. Strong legs, strong man

Loo shares that long, toned legs are a real head-turner for her. “The stronger the pair of legs, the stronger the man!” Every woman wants a guy that can stand sturdy on his feet and have the tenacity to carry them through high waters and rough tides.

2. Let’s talk animals

When all else fails, pull out the animal card to ensure a fun-filled chat to sunset. “Topics about animals are the best conversation starter, ice breaker,” shares Loo. Some subjects may encourage disagreement or the possibility of running out of talking points; animals don’t happen to be one of them.

3. Simple truth

“It may sound clichéd, but the best compliment I ever received was a simple one-liner: You look really nice today.” When it comes to saying the right thing, it has more to do with sincerity and being genuine than it does to do with elaborate monologues.

4. Word of honour

How much you’re worth lies in how steadfastly you stick to your words. Loo says her biggest dislike is a broken promise. She takes it so seriously that not even a lollipop – her self-professed cure-all, fix-all-problems go-to – will help in your begging and pleading for a second chance.

5. Grow with her

“It’s mutual: Your partner must work on the relationship as much as you do.” Maple says a partnership can only get better through time if you’re both involved, engaged, and willing to give and take on the same level. “But it does help to throw in a massage along the hip bone to get through a rough patch.”